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  WELCOME TO The Gymnastic Club  

It has been created over 15 years base in Hong Kong. We are collaboration with a lot of schools , kidergartens , clubs and local centers. We understand how important and potential development of sports for children.
Our Students come for fitness, fun, self confidences, coordination, social development, competitive training, and overall outlet for all extra energy.

成立己超過15年,並與多間 學校 / 幼稚園 / 社區中心 / 私人會所合作。

我們明白運動對小朋友的重要性, 一直至力發展及引發出學童的運動潛能。主張透過在安全又愉快的環境下以有趣的遊戲方式去學習。讓小童得到成功感及提高對自己的價值觀, 頑強的鬥志及奮鬥心。我們至力培養体育精神和不怕失敗的毅力。

體操運動能促進兒童身體各部位肌肉的發展, 使身手敏捷及改善平衡能力, 減少跌倒或碰撞的意外發生及強建體格。

使兒童從小養成運動習慣,促進兒童身心健康, 頭腦靈活及身体協調, 增強自信心,建立堅毅個性,体態優美

We can offer Collaboration courses :


Private or group class.

Swimming , YOGA, Funcky Dance , Table tennis, badminton, tennis, football, basketball, jazz dance, chinese dance.......
All courses we are providing are being led by experienced and certified coaches.


如 游泳 / Funcky Dance/ Yoga / Pilates / 乒乓球 / 羽毛球 / 足球 / 網球 / 爵士舞 / 中國舞等......


  課程内容 :
  • 前後滾翻/空翻/側手翻/倒立

  • 單槓

  • 高低槓

  • 彈網

  • 平行木

  • 跳木箱

  • 體能鍛鍊
Gymnastic courses :


  • Trampoline and trampettes

  • Horizontal bar

  • Vaulting boxes and vaulting bucks

  • Floor mats

  • Spring boards

  • Low and high beams and benches

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